Once upon a time, we decided that Santa Barbara, although lovely in its own ways and a home to us both for several years, was a good place to vacation. So we moved to Germany.And then the packing began in earnest. When all the stuff is comfortably living in the various closets and drawers and shelves, it doesn't seem like that much. Try putting it all in boxes in the middle of your living room. It's almost enough to getting you seriously contemplating monk-hood. . .
. . . which is precisely what Ian caught me in the middle of here. Every time I move, I promise myself that I won't move again when it is hot. And everytime I move, the elements conspire and make sure it's plenty toasty. At this point, though, we were really close to finishing. Behind Ian and the camera is a storage unit that has no spare space in any form in it. Even the dust will have a hard time finding places to settle.
The last couple days we were in The States, we moved at a whirlwind's pace. There were the last things to pack, the boxes of things that were coming with us to get to the shipping point, one final run to the storage unit to make, last minute errands to run, and a plane to catch. Some friends of ours graciously volunteered their couch to us for our last night in the US, since our beds were already stored. Bless them, they didn't even blink when we crept in at 4am, and even managed not to wake us up as they got started on their next day.
Ian Gilman / Germany Journal DolciDeleria / Germany Journal |
Copyright 1998-2013, Ian Gilman & Christina Willott |